Butterfly Pea Flower - organic


You'd be hard-pressed to find a prettier ingredient than butterfly pea flower, a plant native to South Asian countries like Thailand and Malaysia. In drinks, it packs near mystical powers that go beyond simply changing its aesthetic to blue. Indeed, one of the most intriguing aspects of this ingredient is that it can transform colors in the blink of an eye. On its own, when brewed with water, the flower tea is a deep, dark cobalt-blue shade. However, when you add something acidic, say a squeeze of lemon juice, to a batch of butterfly pea flower tea, it'll quickly transform into a bright violet-hued drink.
This is a beautiful plant with a wide range of uses—from agricultural to medicinal, nutritional and otherwise.

Experiment adding to herbal and green teas, it has a very mild flavor but makes for a beautiful cup of tea!

 • Rich in antioxidants
• Antimicrobial & Antifungal
 • Improves cognitive function
• Supports skin and hair health
• Caffeine-free

Organic Butterfly Pea Flowers

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